

 Dear Pastor Ted   We praise the Lord that we have had a good and blessed Conference of SBC at Lemara. We had 110 people and have been very happy with the teachings of a Spiritual Boot Camp and all participants were excited to have the SBC Materials. We are going through all the lessons by using the Power point Presentations ...
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Dear Ted Groves and All the Saints at Grace Community Church, Greetings to you in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus-Christ. I hope that this message finds you well. Before getting down to details, I would like first to apologize for sending you this report so very late; after drafting it I saved to a USB flash drive and unfortunately it encountere...
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Dear Nels and TedGreetings from Poland. I trust that you are having a good time this summer. We are very busy at the church.Two weeks ago we finished childrens camp, it was a real blessing for us. Next Saturday we expect 15 people from Ukraine - Mariupol, it is the place where the battle is, we invited these youths, because we want to give them a ...
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Dear Pastor Ted Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are Praise Lord for SBC Conference we conducted in Usariver at 18 – 19 July 2015. In this Conference we had 100 people who are participate in all two days. The conference is so nice and people are exited for the SBC Materials. After the conference Pastor Samson, the one who ...
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Dear Pastor Ted Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.   We praise Lord for SBC Conference we had finish at Meserani – Arusha. Meserani is the one of Arusha’s district which is in the remote area. This conference involves Pastors and church elders from remote areas. We praise the Lord for SBC Materials everyone was exci...
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SBC GOES TO HONG KONG-GRACE HUGHES SBC Team from Fortress College in the Philppines took the SBC Conference to the BIG CITY!   
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SBC Goes to Mexico!         An eight member team traveled to Mazahua, Mexico from the SBC headquarters in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area, USA. A SBC conference was taught by Pastor Ted Groves March 22-25. The conference was hosted by Norberto and Lisa Cortez at the Mission Mazahua Hacienda. Norberto and Lisa have spent nearly...
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SPIRITUAL BOOT CAMP CONFERENCE AT ARUMERU-NG’IRESI – TANZANIA 21 March 2015    We thank God, because we have a good seminar. We had participants who had come from various churches. In fact they are excited with materials of Spiritual Boot Camp. One of the area which most of participants are exited with is Spiritual Discipli...
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