

Dear Pastor Ted,   Greetings to you and the whole SBC staff in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.   Thank you very much for supporting us in prayer and finances for the SBC seminar we did here yesterday. It was held at All Nations Southern Baptist Church with Pastor Jolly Among as the main Pastor. The Church is just 5 years old. The c...
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Dear Pastor Ted                             Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ We praise the Lord for the SBC Conference in Shinyanga. The Participants there enjoyed all of our SBC Materials. We tau...
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Dear brother Ted   I am happy to send you this update about our last Spiritual Bootcamp training from Tulcea in the time period of November 11 thru 13, 2016. This is an area with a large variety of people and ethnic groups (Russians, Ukrainians, Turks, Tatars, and Bulgarians) because of the special location where the Danube Delta begins. We ...
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    Dear pastor Ted,   In the week end of November4 thru 6 2016. We have been in the East part of Romania in Mangalia, an old town in Romania where the tradition is that the Apostle Andrew came 2,000 years ago and shared the Gospel with the people there and since then Romanians have become Christians. We also had an interesting...
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Dear Pastor Ted; It was a blessing to share SBC with Pastor Emmanuel (Noli) Dalmacio's congregation yesterday - The Family For Jesus Christian Ministry of Paris France.  There were 32 Filipinos, all overseas workers, no young children.  They usually have 30-40 adults on Sunday.  The church has the use of a room for their worship fr...
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Good evening Pastor Ted, God bless you very much, I’m writing my report of the last two months, I am very thankful for your support, last August 6th we had a second conference with a small group of brothers and sisters from the Mazahua Valley, some people live very far away from Mission Mazahua so we help them with transportation and with the...
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        Dear Pastor Ted    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.    We have been blessed by hosting the Spiritual seminar on Tanga. Our SBC Conference we held on 28 Sept to 29 Sept 2016. In the church of Tanzania Assemblies of God. Our host pastor was Rev. Kipingu. The Awakening was good and...
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Dear Pastor Ted,Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope you are doing well. We praise the Lord that we are all doing well here in Tanzania.We praise Lord for the Kilimanjaro SBC Conference completed on 25 – 26 June 2016. In this Conference the attendants were 120 from 12 difference churches and 12 of them were Pastors. I had ta...
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Dear Pastor Ted and the Mission Committee, Thank you very much for your prayer and support for our SBC workshop in Tanjay City last Saturday June 25. We traveled a day before our schedule. There was a lot of heavy raining but we arrived at our hotel safe. Early morning we went to our host Church the Tanjay Baptist Church. After breakfast we start...
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Dear Nels & Ellen, Ted & Linda Update news.May God be glorified by this miracle.In my pray letter I inform about baptism service last Sunday.One person was disable, she couldn't walk or stand. I baptized her on the garden chair.After baptism she start walking, three days later she went to the church on her legs and took a picture, what we ...
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