

SBC CONF FEB 12,2021 GARUVA RAOD, REPALLE, INDIA  This is a testimony from Pastor Gummadi Ebenezer, in India, who heard of our SBC Discipleship ministry on our SBC website []. He expressed an interest in becoming a partner in this joint effort to fulfill our Lord's Great Commission [Matt. 28:18-30]. Our dear cow...
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SBC CONF NYAMUNGE JAN 25TH THRU 29TH 2021    Dear Pastor Ted  Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.   We praise the Lord for the Nyamunge SBC Conference conducted on the 25th thru the 29th of Jan 2021. We praise the Lord for this Conference which has brought together people from&n...
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SBC CONF ENGUIKI-ORKEESWA JAN 29TH-31ST 2021      Dear Pastor Ted  Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.    We praise Lord having helped us to conduct the SBC Conference in Enguiki-Orkeeswa on the date of the 29th to the 31st of January 2021.   We h...
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SBC CONF AT NGENGE-ORBILL TANZANIA DEC 31ST-JAN 2ND 2021      Dear Pastor Ted  Happy New Year  Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope you are doing well, your family, and the entire church. I hope you had a good moment in that Celebration season.    We praise our Almighty God f...
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SBC CONFERENCE IN MYANMAR DECEMBER 21 2020       Dear Pastor Ted and GCC Mission committee members,   Greetings from Myanmar.  Thank you for your prayers and for helping and supporting our relief work here.  It is a big blessing to our community area. Today we have distributed rice and cooking...
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SBC CONF NSANGAMO DEC 24TH THRU 26TH 2020      Dear Pastor Ted  Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.   We praise the Lord for another successful SBC Conference conducted at Nsangamo on the 24th thru the 26th of December 2020.  We praise the Lord for this Conferen...
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 SBC CONF MTENDERI OCT 2020      Dear Pastor Ted  Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  On 29TH of Oct 2020 we had the election of the President and members of the Parliament. A Few days before the election the internet was lockdown. they release it today! This has caused my report to come ext...
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 SBC CONF AT KISEKE TANZANIA OCT 2020     Dear Pastor Ted  Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.    We praise the Lord for another SBC Conference conducted at Kiseke on the dates of the  30th thru 31st of October 2020.   We taught of the lessons and all the p...
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SBC CONF HMAWBI YANGON OCT 2020     Dear Pastor Ted,  Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ from Myanmar.   Thanks for your helping for SBC conference for our ministry.  As i requested last time we did SBC training in October 29TH –30TH ,2020 at  Fellowship Bible Church...
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 SBC CONF SUCEAVA OCT 2020      Dear pastor Ted and dear co-workers in Christ from GCC,    EQUIPPING THE WHOLE CHURCH FOR WITNESSING AND MULTIPLICATION AND DISCIPLE THEM PROPERLY IS IN OUR MINISTRY DNA, that is why we follow the purpose to understand that the local church has different “tiers” of equip...
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