

BURUNDI SBC PASTORS CONFERENCE HELD AT MUTIMBUZI Date: September 8-9, 2017 Location: Pastors Conference held at  Mutimbuzi in Eglise Evangelique de l’Amour (Evangelical Church of Love). Number of Participants: The first day 32 people attended the Pastors conference and the second day 20 people participated in the SBC Pastors...
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BURUNDI SBC PASTORS’CONFERENCE   The SBC Pastors Conference was held on September 1-2, 2017, at Rusenge Union Pentecost Church, in Rumonge Province (outside of Bujumbura). Participants to the SBC Pastors’ Conference: 32 people attended the two day conference, from 5 Denominations and 14 local churches. The 32 participa...
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Dear Pastor Ted Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ We praise the Lord for the Misasi SBC conferences conducted on 25 – 26 Aug 2017. We praise Lord for all the participants. The participants are Pastors and church elders. Misasi is the area which has not many churches. So the pastors of this area were looking on how they can pla...
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Pastor Ted, God bless you and thank you very much for sharing these reports, it´s amazing  to see the work of our brothers and sisters  in Jesus Christ around the world and it is a real encouragement to me also, about the SBC training in Mexico I am seeing the fruits of the last few SBC conferences, as you can see in the pictures I...
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Burundi SBC Conference for Pastors and Church Leaders   The SBC Conferences for Pastors and Church Leaders in Burundi continue to be held in different places of the country. The participants to the SBC Conferences continue to witness how and much the teachings are making a difference in the lives of the church ministers and church ...
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I am so glad to see that in different parts of the world SBC is used by God to help Christians to grow in their spiritual life and to approach the spiritual battles in a better Biblical way. In Romania we experienced also three good SBC trainings in the last month and we saw the impact of the Scripture in the lives of the people attending our SBC...
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The third SBC introduction was in the last week end of July in the South West part of Romania in Pui. We have been invited there by a lady trained in one of our XEE clinics and she arranged all the details. I was happy to have with me Ciprian Plesa who helped me and he is my disciple in SBC able to train others. He encouraged also the people we tra...
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Dear Pastor Ted    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.   We praise Lord for another SBC Conference conducted in Kingorowira from 29-30 July 2017. We had 70 participants and we surely did praise the Lord. They were all excited with all the SBC Materials. I had taught all the lessons including in SBC Materials provided...
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Ruziba Just a Report summary of SBC Pastors and church leaders conference held on July 14-15, 2017, at Ruziba in Deliverance  Church: Number of pastors and church leaders who attended the SBC Conference:  54 pastors and 9 of the 54 who attended the conference were pastors. The 54 participants came from 11 denominations.  ...
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Dear Pastor Ted Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I glorify and thank God that we had a very good Spiritual Boot Camp Conference in Tarime, and having participants from 12 different churches. The Pastors and Church Leaders had never seen Training in Personal Evangelism like the Spiritual Boot Camp Training pro...
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