

SBC CONF PANCIEL JUNE 30TH THRU JULY 5TH 2019     Dear Pastor Ted,   In the Last week of June 30th thru the 5th of July 2019 we organized the Annual Camp for the People Affected by Disabilities. There were more than 140 people involved. We had a lot of volunteers recruited and they served the 30 families affected by different di...
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SBC CONF IN JERUSALEM JUNE 8TH 2019     Dear pastor Ted, It is a great joy to tell you about our great experience in the land of Israel where on Saturday 8th June 2019, we had an SBC introduction in Jerusalem. It was wonderful to see that Christ’s sacrifice on the cross gave us the salvation of people from every tribe and langua...
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SBC CONF IN CAMP KIGOMA JUNE 24TH AND 25TH  2019       Dear Pastor Ted    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ  We praise the Lord for the SBC Conference held in the Refugee Camp in Kigoma conducted on the 24th thru 25th of June 2019.  We were excited again to be with the refugees for this SB...
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Dear Pastor Ted, Greetings in the name of Jesus from Myanmar. We thank God for his faithfulness and thank you for your SBC ministry around the world. We have brought the SBC training to a very far away village church and it has been a great blessing for that remote area. They have never had training like this before and they are learning spiritu...
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SBC CONF COCHABAMBA BOLIVIA June 2, 2019     We thank God for each one of you and for the ministry you do through the Word of God and discipleship. Because of you and the vision you have in SBC is that many brethren in South America are being edified and challenged to live there as true Disciples the Lord Jesus Christ.  By God&r...
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SBC PASTOR’S CONFERENCE HELD ON May 30th -31st, 2019  IN ANGLICAN CHURCH AT BUSORO IN BUJUMBURA   The two days of the SBC Pastor’s Conference was held in Anglican Church at Busoro in Bujumbura, on May 30th -31st ,2019. Gathered there were 21 pastors and church leaders from 3 Denominations and 7 local churches...
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SBC CONF May 29th 31st 2019 at KILALA     Dear Pastor Ted   Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We praise the Lord for another SBC Conference conducted at Kilala on the 29th thru 31st of May 2019.   We praise the Lord for all the participants. We were blessed with participants from different places of Kilala....
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SBC conf May 24 thru 26 2019 at Nyamadoke     Dear Pastor Ted Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.    We praise the Lord for the SBC Conference conducted at Nyamadoke on the 24th thru 26th of May 2019. We had taught all the lessons and we praise the Lord that all participants were very excited with all the SBC M...
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SBC   CONF in San Carlos, Island of Negros Occidental, Phillipines April 2019     Photos are attached from Pastor Tim Tapang re. SBC teaching at Youth Camp in April, 2019 in San Carlos, Island of Negros Occidental, the Phillipines..   A great encouragement to all workers in the SBC Discipleship ministry [Matt. 28:18-20...
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TWO SBC PASTOR’S CONFERENCE HELD ON JANUARY 4 AND MAY 3-4, 2019 AT SOROREZO AND KANYOSHA    The SBC Pastor’s Conference that was scheduled to be held at Sororezo for two days was held just for one day as the next day (January 5, 2019) our SBC Pastor’s conference was canceled due to the unexpe...
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