The SBC conference for pastors and church leaders held on April 7-8, 2017, at Fountain of Life Church, located in Kabezi, 12 miles South of Bujumbura and less than 1 mile from Tanganyika Lake. This conference was attended by 51 pastors and church leaders from 11 different denominations and 19 local churches.
The 51 participants were very interested and strengthened. And aware that all around us there is a battle taking place in spiritual realms and know how to live in victory, rather than being defeated by the enemy the (devil). After this conference for the pastors and church leaders, the participants witnessed and realized how much the four battle strategies that they had learned during the conference was a very great benefit to them in their walk of the Christian life. One of the participants of the conference said: “I am now equipped to engage the enemy and defeat him in my spiritual warfare, with the help of the Holy Spirit”.
The Burundi SBC team will continue to serve the church in Burundi by organizing the SBC conferences and workshops for the pastors and church leaders here in Burundi.
We are very grateful to Pastor Ted Groves and Grace Community Church for making available the Spiritual Boot Camp Training and having the SBC book translated in Kirundi, a language largely spoken by 11 million people living in Burundi.
Pray with us so that we can print more SBC books in Kirundi language and continue to serve the church in Burundi for the accomplishment of the Great Commission.
"Do not be discouraged when things do not go as you had planned, because what is not possible today, will be possible tomorrow; but remember, Big Vision requires Big Dream, Big Dream requires Big Actions and Big Actions require Big Commitment, knowing that there is wonderful joy ahead. Commitment requires courage and patience; Patience and courage never fail and are shown by the End". By Prosper Ndabishuriye
For Burundi SBC team,
Prosper Ndabishuriye
Pastor Groves and SBC team leaders west allis, wis.