Glory to the Lord for this special trip to Sliven! The desire to be able to have a SBC training in Bulgaria was since about two years ago but now came the right time. I continued to pray constantly for the Bulgarians because they are a very trans-cultural people. It is a Slavic society but they have a lot of ethnics especially Turks and Gypsies. We received the feedback from different EE evangelistic campaigns and they asked us to do something for the follow up because in some areas the response was amazing. Our co-workers told us that they need for at least 200 people to do something because they opened their hearts and they had to grow. Having this on my mind I wanted for the Turkish material to be finished and it was a great joy to be in this area. In Sliven I did not feel like in Europe but in Middle East, a lot of poverty and mosques for worshiping Allah, there are a vast majority of dark skin people and traditionally oriental in culture and behavior. The collaborator there gathered together the Christian leaders for the SBC and they selected them because they did not know the material to be presented and they wanted to be sure that the teaching is not a false and heretical one. Little by little they started to be more opened and at the end we had a lot of joy and good and great fellowship. What was very interesting was that the Spirit of God moved their hearts for the mission in Turkey and one by one they prayed for this nation and about specific ways to do some efforts to do something there. In the fall they plan to help more and they started to put some dates and small teams and we are also invited there to strengthen the ministry. There are large opened doors and I saw how God is challenging these leaders for a better and more extensive work in their area. I left them with the satisfaction that Lord's hand is touching the hearts of the people and if we stay close to Him we can see great things happening.
Pastor Groves and SBC team leaders west allis, wis.