I am so glad to see that in different parts of the world SBC is used by God to help Christians to grow in their spiritual life and to approach the spiritual battles in a better Biblical way.
In Romania we experienced also three good SBC trainings in the last month and we saw the impact of the Scripture in the lives of the people attending our SBC introductions.
First was in Domestic in Eastern part of Romania, in an area with a stronghold of alcohol, where churches are very few and it is hard to plant churches. Christians from this area called us to train them and they welcome us. Many of them belonged to Gypsy families but the love of Christ gathered them together and they were eager to know more about God’s ways for them. We had even a lady from Ukraine there and the fellowship was very nice. We have been about 30 people and the joy was big because even if there are some sensitive issues between white people and Gypsyes they saw our desire to help them and show them love. The concepts we taught were very useful for them, because few people really focus on the training itself. I had to adapt the language and use more familiar examples for their culture because there are specific strongholds in their locations: alcohol, witchcrafts, domestic violence, stealing, and laziness. The Lord used us to expose them to the Bible truths and the SBC books were well received and their faces were radiant because they finally saw the value in the training. We praised the Lord for this opportunity and we have been encouraged to continue in that area because the need is so great!
Samuel MitrofanI
Pastor Groves and SBC team leaders west allis, wis.