Beloved Pastor Ted and SBC team,
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
In this occasion, we would like to thank you for all the faithful support you give to do the ministry in Bolivia, Argentina and Perú.
During November, our country has gone through much social unrest which has caused us to postpone the SBC conference with the pastors we had on our agenda on November 4th to the 7th. God willing, we will be having this conference on the last part of January 2022.
It was a tremendous blessing to teach and encourage the brothers and sisters at the Good Seed Baptist church in Carachimayo (a town at 2 hours away from Tarija) where the Lord gave us the privilege to teach the SBC material for 4 days.
We were praying much for the audience so that they may understand the teaching. They are mostly country people, and many have a tough time reading and writing but, once again, we witnessed God’s hand at work through the Holy Spirit taking each word from the Scripture to the heart of each man and woman in that auditorium. We thank God for the materials SBC has provided, a truly clear and straightforward way to understand for each man and woman as well as teens and Young People to received. They were all encouraged and challenged to keep pressing onward faithfully to the Lord! Alleluia
Thank God we had our mission’s conference where our entire church family was challenged to do more missionary trips to preach the Gospel and teach the Word of God. There are many plans and desire to keep teaching the SBC material to all Bolivia and South America.
We thank God for the opportunity He gave us to hold a conference in the city of Santa Cruz – Bolivia at the Estrella de Belén Baptist Church where we enjoyed sweet fellowship with other pastor’s families and most of all we enjoyed seeing how the Word of God through the SCB materials has encouraged and exhorted to give strength to God’s people. Many People came to us to give testimony of what this material meant to them and how much they needed to hear what has been taught and how much they were blessed.
Also, the Lord gave us the grace to travel to Argentina to a place called Isla de Cañas to hold a kids Spiritual Boot Camp. What a tremendous blessing it was for us to teach the Word of God to over 60 kids about the spiritual warfare through the SBC materials.
The Lord guided us to adapt the material for kids and base it upon King David’s life and we witnessed the kids being encouraged, challenged, and blessed by every lesson taught. This experience motivated us to keep preparing this material for future kid’s camps as we desire so much that our kids may learn about the spiritual warfare and get ready to stand tall and steadfast upon the Word of God.
We would like to ask your prayers for the 3 summer camps we are having all about the Spiritual Boot Camp. Kids camp, teens in December and youth in January. WE want to emphasize this vital teaching for 5 days in each camp and clearly teach the SBC material so that they all may be alert and steady against all schemes the Devil designs.
We ask your prayers for provision for the materials to hand out to the campers but also provision to help give at least half scholarship to needy kids, teens, and youth as we want as many to come and come to know the truth and be part of the SBC camp.
We are planning to have campers coming from Tarija but also other regions like Potosí, Cochabamba, and Argentina.
We want to express our deep gratitude for the love gift sent in order to fix our car we use for the mission trips. Thank God for we will be fixing the motor and keep travelling around taking the Good News to all South America, keep teaching the SBC material and strengthen the saints. Thank you so much for the Love offering you sent us!
This is all for now, dear ones, but we pray for you asking the Lord to pour His richest blessings upon each one of you, your families, and the wonderful ministry you are doing through SBC.
Saved to Serve
Daniel, Lidia, Caleb, Josué & Moisés Maranon
Pastor Groves and SBC team leaders west allis, wis.